
A. Introduction

The repository of the Rizarios Ecclesiastical School offers very important and noteworthy content for both specialized scientific audiences and average users.

If you want to know what it contains, you can navigate through the content collections and recommended content. If you have a specific query, you can use the Search function.

B. Navigation

To explore the content of the digital library, it has been organized hierarchically. From the homepage, you will find the first level with four collections:

  • Archival material
  • Works of art and special collections
  • Old books
  • Audio content

Each collection can contain subcollections. Selecting the collection "Works of art and special collections" you will find the subcollections

  • Archival material
  • Works of art and special collections
  • Old books
  • Audio content

A collection/subcollection presents the digital objects it contains in a booklet. The order in which the digital objects are displayed can be changed using the following options as the ordering criteria:

  • Most relevant (default) where the repository arranges the content according to its own algorithmic criteria.
  • Most recent where the repository arranges the content from the most recently created object to the oldest created
  • Oldest where the repository arranges the content from the oldest created object to the most recently created
  • Title A-Z where the repository arranges the content lexicographically by the title of the object from smallest to largest.
  • Title Z-A where the repository arranges the content lexicographically by the title of the object from largest to smallest.

By default, items are displayed in a grid of icons. On each icon, there is information such as time identifier and title. If you want to see the items in a list instead of a grid for easier readability of titles, press the button

At the top and bottom of the page, the pagination of items is displayed.

For collections with many items, the user can use the filters that appear on the left. When you select a value in a filter, the displayed items are limited. If you're using a PC, the filters appear on the left, while for mobile devices, the filters appear by pressing the 'Filters' button. Additionally, the filters are updated to apply to the limited items.

When you locate an item that interests you, click on the icon and the item's card will appear. There you will find the metadata describing it, and if you click 'View in viewer', you will see the digital content.

C. Search

With the search function, you can locate specific digital objects that match certain words. You can use the general search, which will search for the words in all available information, or the advanced search, which allows you to choose specific parts of the available information, such as title or keywords.

1 General search

Searches all fields of each digital object, if at least one field 'matches' i.e., the words we are looking for appear in it, then the document is included in the results. There are a series of aids to address various issues.

1.1 Words

You can write words without worrying about lowercase/uppercase letters or accentuation. Additionally, there are a series of tools that are developed below

1.1.1 Stemming

For each word we search for, the repository removes the ending with the help of rules. This addresses the variety of grammatical forms which in Greek are particularly rich. Indicatively, the search result is the same if you search for

  • rizaris or rizari
  • halandri or halandriou
  • grandfather or grandfathers
  • sacred or holy or priests

1.1.2 Wildcards End of word matching *

If stemming doesn't help you, you can write the first letters of the word and then put an asterisk. Indicatively, manag* will match the words manage, manager, management Similar terms ~

If you're not sure about the spelling, add ~ at the end of the word. Indicatively, analogy doesn't have any results while analogy~ has 2 results

1.2 Term combination

1.2.1 Logical conjunction (and)

Predefined logical AND connects the terms. Therefore, all terms must be in the object to match the search Example: Incoming correspondence (number of results 1607)

1.2.2 Logical disjunction (or)

It is done by inserting OR between the terms, mandatory in capital letters Incoming OR correspondence (number of results 5049)

1.2.3 Logical negation

It is done by putting either NOT in capital letters or - (minus) exactly before the word we don't want to exist, without intervening space

  • Outgoing correspondence (number of results 2288)
  • Outgoing correspondence -rizaris (number of results 855)
  • Outgoing correspondence NOT rizaris

1.2.4 Changing priority of logical operators

Because there is priority in operators as follows

  • Logical negation (highest priority)
  • Logical conjunction (unspecified priority)
  • Logical disjunction (unspecified priority)

We change the priority with parentheses

  • (rizaris will) OR (rizaris letter)
  • Rizaris (will OR letter)

1.2.5 Phrase

If we want the searched words to appear in the document side by side, we enclose them in double quotes. The order of the words is important, so "Rizaris diathiki" (result set 1) differs from "Rizaris diathetik" (result set 4). In the words of the phrase, the suffix truncation is applied first.

1.2.6 Proximity

Sometimes one or more words may intervene between the words of a phrase, resulting in the search failing. For example, the title of Rizaris' will is Will of Georgios Radionof Rizaris from Zagori of Epirus ... In this case, we can adjust how many words are allowed to intervene with ~number after the phrase. If there are more words from the first to the last, "Rizaris will"~3 (number of results 249)

2 Advanced search

We add search criteria and search. If we want to limit the results, we click 'Edit search' and add search criteria. If the search is too limited, we remove some criteria. In each criterion, we have possibilities as in paragraph 2.

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